Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Smart Staffing Company

Outsourcing to Pakistan can result in cost-savings of up to 70%. These cost-savings arle due to the exceptionally low living costs in Pakistan when compared to the locations such as the U.S and Australia. Smart Staffing Company offers a monthly fee to help reduce overheads and allow you to focus on scaling and growing your business. Included in this monthly fee are infrastructure, recruitment, security, and staff benefits.
Nearly everything that is done via a computer program or over the phone can be done remotely, by an offshore team. All they need is the right skills, training, support and software to do the job.

If you’re ready to start thinking about the tasks and positions you could offshore, talk to us today and we can guide every step of the way. Roles well-suited to offshoring include customer service, programming/development, tech support, digital marketing and health information management just to name a few. Here at Smart Staffing Company, we have access to a huge talent pool of skilled applicants, which allows us to recruit team members in Pakistan that match your offshore role requirements.

Below are some of the common positions that can be easily outsourced to Pakistan.

Your new hires in Pakistan should be ready to begin work in as little as six to 10 weeks after you start the process – possibly even sooner.

We use the job descriptions that you provide to find and recruit suitable candidates from the local market. Once we’ve found the right person for your team, we set them up within our modern, state-of-the-art office facilities, including furniture, IT infrastructure, and support.

What is Smart Staffing Company’s recruitment process and do I get to interview potential candidate before hiring?
The recruitment process is quite similar to hiring a local employee through a recruitment company. We take your brief and start the search, shortlist the candidates through initial interviews for you, then once you’ve chosen the ideal candidate for the desired position you’d like to be in your team, we employ them, ready for you to onboard.

Here are the basic steps in the process:

  1. You provide job descriptions for each member of the team
  2. We will call you to discuss your needs further
  3. We advertise in all the major job boards in Pakistan and also go through our own talent pool to find the right person for each of your roles
  4. We conduct interview of a few candidates for each role, and present you with a shortlist of the most suitable candidates
  5. You conduct final interviews – either in person, here in Pakistan, or remotely, using video chat
  6. You choose your favorite candidates for each role
  7. We extend an offer of employment to each
  8. When they accept, we agree on their start date
  9. Upon commencement, we set them up in our offices, with a desk, computer, phone, internet connection, agreed software and anything else they need
  10. We conduct onsite inductions about our building and how things work
  11. You train the employee in any special requirements for their role.
It is no different than hiring someone in your own office. You are fully involved in the recruitment process. We simply provide the resources, support and tools to allow you to hire quality candidates in Pakistan.
No, to begin with, when your cost is going down significantly, we generally recommend you work with full-time staff that are dedicated to your business to ensure consistency in the delivery of their tasks and responsibilities.
Flexible to your business needs, our staff will be flexible. This is especially helpful for clients who work in different time zones to Pakistan. If you require them to work according to your local team’s business hours, we will accommodate and make sure they are online during those times. We can support whatever your requirements may be.
It depends on the situation. If it’s due to poor performance, we’ll provide you with a well-documented performance management framework, which includes fair warning, an evaluation period and an escalation process that can lead to termination. If you would want to dismiss a staff member for reasons not associated with performance, your account manager can provide guidance on whether there may be any additional costs at the time.
Yes, English is one of the main languages spoken in schools and colleges, even at school and college level students are taught in English and all instructions, employee handbooks and all sorts of communication done in offices across Pakistan is conducted in English.
Your offshore team’s salaries are all accounted for in your one off all inclusive invoice that you will receive monthly from us
We at Smart Staffing Company take data security very seriously and have multiple levels of security in place to deliver peace of mind when sharing your data with your employees over in Pakistan. For clients with multiple staff members we can assign their own VLAN. We can furthermore physically partition off parts of our network if needed.

Revolutionize Your Workforce with Smart Staffing Solutions

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